OUR VIEW: Take advantage of what’s going on

One of the benefits of college life is the plethora of activities available to students. These events range from fraternity parties to basketball games, chess tournaments to talent shows.

It would behoove the general student body to take part in these activities and support their friends and classmates. Fun can be found in a little face paint and some school spirit. Sporting games become more exciting when the Spectrum or other venues are filled with students singing, chanting and waving their arms. This camaraderie is a major part of the college experience which should be taken advantage of.

Thanks must be given to ASUSU and STAB for the events they plan for the student body. These groups spend many hours organizing and deciding on activities that will benefit the campus community. Most of the time these events are done well and are fun for everyone, but sometimes they are lacking in quality and organization.

Events during Athlete Week did not follow the typical caliber of organization usually supplied by the student leaders. Many students have expressed that the events were a big let down and sloppy.

Other aspects of the activities that need more thought are the signs and posters announcing the events. More often than not, these advertisements are hard to read, have grammatical errors or contain incorrect information. This will deter more people from the activity than it will attract.

Most students appreciate the events provided to entertain and inform, but they need to be treated on a college level and taken more seriously. Give students a real chance to attend, with plenty of notice and good and well0organized advertisements, and they’ll be sure to come.