OUR VIEW: The Hub should change food policy

Recently, it was learned that The Hub throws away gross amounts of food nearly every day.

Unused food, like pizza, crispy tacos and soup all find their way to the Dumpster, rather than into the mouths of people who could benefit from it.

Evidently, this policy doesn’t only stem from the idea that food will go bad if left out or under a heat lamp for too long. It comes from distrust of The Hub’s employees. There are those who have broken ethical code by making one too many pizzas, planning on eating it later, because it “didn’t sell.”

That’s too bad, because one may hate to think that sometimes 20 pizzas are launched to the trash because someone had planned to make extras.

Here’s what should happen: When food has been sitting out for too long, The Hub should post a sign announcing that the food will soon be thrown away and will be sold for a discounted price. This way both The Hub and its patrons come out winners.

The Hub makes cash it would have normally thrown away, and consumers get food that doesn’t damage the wallet. Once again, students should speak up on this issue. Food that is thrown away could help homeless or disadvantaged people and even the students at this university.