OUR VIEW: USU marching band tradition should continue

They lead Aggies in Utah State’s fight song. They energize fans at sporting events, serving as musical cheerleaders in the background. And often times, they are the face of the university during community events.

But USU’s Aggie marching band may be no longer.

With a decade of budget cuts and uniforms that are unraveling at the seams, the band may no longer be heard striking up with Aggie pride at events. Throughout the school’s history, there has been a consistency with this program – a passion for music that parallels a passion for Utah State. However, with a lack of outside resources this program may play its final song this coming spring.

Members of the band and supporters of the program appeared before the ASUSU Academic Senate Monday afternoon and before the ASUSU Executive Council on Tuesday to ask for student support. With fellow Aggies rallying behind them, these students are hoping to continue this long-lived tradition.

Football and basketball games generally hold the spotlight in most students’ minds, but what many don’t realize is the impact the marching band has on the crowd’s energy. Hearing the band strike up with USU’s fight song or musical chants in support of our athletes is something a loudspeaker and a CD cannot replace.

We applaud ASUSU leaders for approving support for funding the marching band so that a group with a strong USU tradition has a chance to continue marching on.