Our View

Our view: USUSA Elections

The USUSA candidate declaration forms open on Jan. 13. The elections are set to occur on Feb 24-25 with The Utah Statesman hosting a debate open to the student body and community on Tuesday, Feb. 25.

We as The Utah Statesman Editorial Board acknowledge the commitment and leadership skill it takes to not only run for USUSA office but also to fill that position for a full academic year. These leaders commit to being recognized as representatives of the university on top of being full-time students. We as the university publication also rely on them to be transparent with us as we work to be the student voice.

USUSA officers hold ample amounts of power within the university. Notably, Dallin Wilson, Executive Director of Athletics and campus recreation, successfully advocated for 1,000 student seats to be returned to the student body this past fall. Furthermore, Executive VP Brooklyn Ward chairs the Facilities Enhancement Committee, a committee that dictates where the $200,000 fund for facility enhancement on campus goes.

USUSA officers also have a close relationship with higher-ups that remains unique to Utah State University. President Richey was able to meet with President Cantwell in the fall semester to discuss concerns over the crowding  at the testing center, which VP Ward is still working to resolve.

These are only a few examples of the power these elected officers hold. These roles are also not filled without compensation. All USUSA officers receive scholarships in varying amounts based on position. Those who run unopposed, both in Logan and statewide, are inheriting a substantial scholarship automatically.

Vacant seats are often filled without a reelection but instead by appointment. Other USUSA officers work to fill vacant seats such as the 2024-25 Grad Studies Senator, who was appointed by the 2023-24 Academic Senate.

We as the board implore the student body to take note in this upcoming election and take action to vote for those they want to represent them or run for office to prevent unopposed races. More information on running for office can be found in the USUSA Elections packet.

­— The Editorial Board

*Editor’s note: The Utah Statesman encourages feedback on all editions, including elections coverage.