OUR VIEW: Web sites need to be updated often — please

The Internet.

It’s a great tool to use when looking for the most up-to-date information in the shortest amount of time. Of course, there’s always an exception to the rule.

For example, the USU Big Band Swing Club has a great Web site to log on to, but only if one is looking for upcoming events that happened during April 2002.

It’s just too bad for all those want to go to the next men’s volleyball game. According to its Web site, their last game was April 20, 2002.

The A-station Web site maintained by the Associated Students of Utah State University Executive Council is a good example of an up-to-date Web site. It’s great.

Upcoming events are one click of the mouse away. Students don’t have to wait a month to find out about current legislation from their meetings. It would be amazingly helpful if the webmasters of these out-of-date Web sites followed the example of ASUSU and maintained their Web sites.