OUR VIEW: World disasters spark preparation

Cache Valley is normally a quiet, peaceful place, but hurricanes and power outages in the news recently remind us that no matter where we live, the unexpected can happen at any time.

There is no way to know where you might be when a catastrophe strikes, but the Boy Scout motto, “Be Prepared,” is a good one to live by. No one can control what happens, but we can control our own reaction. If everyone is ready, we have a much better chance of helping each other in a time of crisis.

There are many Web sites which can be helpful in preparing for a disaster. The Red Cross, the Department of Homeland Security and others all list ways to be ready in case anything happens.

A simple Internet search can show where to begin. Getting a basic 72-hour kit with supplies to feed, clothe and provide shelter for a few days while help is on the way is a good start.

Most people have a lot of the materials necessary in their house already. Put them together in an easily accessible place and let everyone know where the kit is. Then budget a little money each week to add to and improve the kit.

Once the basics are taken care of, learn how to protect yourself in case of an extended period of hardship. Good financial planning will help set aside money to get through unemployment or other economic crises. Well-planned food storage can help reduce expenditures or simply survive in case it takes longer than 72 hours for assistance to arrive.