OURVIEW: A day off, and social freedom for all

Well it’s Friday. The first week of school has come and gone. Most students are just getting used to the new schedule, which of course means it’s time for a break.

So with the long weekend coming up people are worried about remembering all kinds of things: not to set the alarm on Monday, which class they have when and to actually do the readings they’ve been assigned.

It’s a tall order and with the ski resorts or the warm couch beckoning us, it’s safe to say that many of us will forget something before Tuesday rolls around.

We’d like to add one more thing on to your list of things not to be forgotten.

Remember Dr. King.

He’s the reason we don’t have school Monday. More importantly he’s had a huge effect on the way the world is today.

We may not be the perfectly non-racist society that Dr. King hoped for, but he helped us get a lot closer than we used to be.

He proved to America that injustice, violence and hate can be overcome. That ought to be worth a few moments consideration this week.

Sometimes, people in the 21st Century take for granted what happened not so long ago. But the Civil Rights Movement was real.

It was hard.

It was important then, and it’s important now.

Don’t let the things that happened only a few short decades ago become nothing more than history.

Enjoy your day off. But don’t forget why you have it.

Martin Luther King Jr. and his followers showed the world true strength, pure dedication and the power that comes when we believe in dreams.

Remember that on Monday.

Remember that.