Search Results for: men's basketball

Activities and Events, March 28

Friday, March 30-RHSA Murder Mystery Dinner, 7 p.m. TSC Ballroom, Tickets $7/RCC, $9/w/o-STAB movie “The Adventures of Joe Dirt” PG-13,

Activities and Events for this week

Wednesday, March 21-USU Chemistry and Biochemistry, seminar, Arnold Rheingold, University of Delaware, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, “The Inorganometallic Chemistry

Events and Activities for March 2

Friday, March 2-Native American Student Council Pow-Wow, 7 p.m. Field House.-USU Opera w/orchestra, 7:30 p.m. Kent Concert Hall-USU Theatre, Pride

Activities and Events for Feb. 28

Wednesday, February 28-USU Chemistry and Biochemistry, seminar, Jon Takemoto, USU Biology Department, “The Syringomycins: Novel Antifungal Lipopeptides from Plant Bacteria.”