Parking Resolution

Dear Editor,

In my opinion the ASUSU Executive Council is not representing the students that elected them. An example of this is the recent resolution passed that limits the number of B parking permits sold to 250% over capacity instead of 300% which is now the current practice. At first a person may look at this and think that ASUSU Executive Council is doing a good job after all they did pass a resolution that would reduce “hunting” for a parking space. The question is does the resolution passed by ASUSU Executive Council do anything to provide more parking for students? No it does not. What it does do is make sure that someone who has a B permit now may not receive one in the future. Is this really serving the students best interests? No but it is serving the interests of some in the ASUSU Executive Council. In an article entitled “Limiting ‘hunting permits'” in the April 13th edition of the Harold Journal business senator Bryson Smith said “I’m sick of never being able to find a spot.” In order for Bryson to find a spot he is willing to block some of the people that elected him from getting a B permit. What if Bryson is one of the unlucky 50 percent? Later in the article HASS senator Brandon Halford said “There’s a million and a half economy spots still available.” So why didn’t the ASUSU Executive Council pass a resolution that would have all ASUSU Executive Council members park in the economy parking lot? This type of resolution would free more B spaces so that more of the people that elected them could park closer. To me the quotes above and the resolution reek of an elitist attitude. Soon the ASUSU Executive Council will pass a resolution that will allow them to control all B permits and they and their cronies will be the only students to obtain B permits. The ASUSU Executive Council could have passed a better resolution. It would not be a popular on with faculty and administrators however ASUSU Executive Council is there to serve the students. The proposal is to cut faculty and staff parking in half and add those to B parking. Those faculty and staff that have their permits cut can always find parking in the “million and a half economy spaces”. The actions of the ASUSU Executive Council to pass the resolution is irresponsible at best and borders on negligent. Next time before a resolution is passed think about the students that elected you!

Gary Sissongsisson@cc.usu.edu435-755-3266ID 509801628