Penigar named top Aggie

Julie Ann Grosshans

Utah Statesman: What was the most rewarding thing for you in basketball this season?

Desmond Penigar: Winning the Big West tournament and going to the NCAA tournament.

US: What are your plans personally after USU?

DP: Play basketball somewhere. I don’t know where.

US: What have you done with your time since basketball season ended?

DP: Working out, practicing, just trying to get better.

US: Which team are you cheering for in the NCAA Tournament?

DP: I don’t know. I’m not even watching it anymore.

US: What are your expectations for the Aggies for next season?

DP: They’re going to do well. They’re going to win 20-plus games, and from there, it just depends on if they buy into [Head] Coach [Stew Morrill’s] system and try to do what he says: play defense and rebound. If they do that, they’ll have a good season. There’s a lot of guys on that team that have potential to be leaders on that team next year.

US: If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go and why?

DP: Brazil or Africa. Brazil because there’s a lot of fine women out there, and Africa just to see where my roots came from.

US: What is your favorite breakfast food?

DP: Grits, eggs, sausage and homemade biscuits.

US: What is your shoe size?

DP: 15.

US: What is the best April Fool’s joke that has been done to you?

DP: The best April Fool’s joke that’s been done to me is when I was a senior in high school. A couple of guys on the team made fake letters from colleges – they made one out from North Carolina and gave it to me. I thought I was being recruited by North Carolina.

US: What do you look for in a woman?

DP: Down to earth, truthful with herself and not fake. Just a real woman, someone that’s content with herself and doesn’t try to please everyone.