Perhaps short shorts really do give this spiker an edge

Erin Wadsworth

Utah Statesman: How did you get started in volleyball? Beth Hodge: My mom used to play on a Wednesday morning league. I always begged her to let me play, and finally she found a club. I started when I was 9.

US: What do you enjoy about volleyball?BH: The competitiveness; you can individually do well, but you can’t do anything without your teammates.

US: Why did you choose USU?BH: I just liked it up here. I liked the small-town feel and just thought it was the best fit for me.

Why do women’s volleyball players wear the short shorts? If your clothes are in the net, it’s a penalty against you. Throughout the generations, they’ve just gotten shorter and shorter. They’re easy to move in, but why they’re so short I couldn’t tell you. I don’t think I could play in anything else.

Describe your best game this season. The Nevada game that we just played. We were playing at home, it was senior night and we all finally meshed together and I played well. And also to come back and win after being down two games.

Why did you choose psychology as a major? I pretty much just got sick of doing anything else and just did that. I had taken Psych 1010 and I didn’t like anything else; it’s a good fit for me.

What other sports do you enjoy? I’ve never played anything else other than volleyball. I like to play basketball but I suck at it. Nothing with running, no soccer or anything like that, but I’ll try anything.

Do you think the women could beat the men at volleyball? I’m going to say the girls would win, the guys probably get frustrated and keep hitting the balls out.

What’s the major difference between Utah and Oklahoma? The weather and the Mormons. There aren’t very many Mormons in Oklahoma, and of course the weather. A lot of it’s the same, but the Mormons and the weather.

When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? An astronaut, but then they told me I was too tall.

What ice cream would describe you and why? Orange sherbet, because it’s not everybody’s favorite, but if you eat it a lot, then you like it, so if you get to know me you like me.

What is the weirdest thing you do with your spare time? Whenever I’m bored, I’ll read the gift cards at Wal-Mart and if I like it, I’ll buy it. My mom never buys me a card from Wal-Mart because she knows I’ve read them all.

Disneyland or Disney World? Disneyland, because I haven’t been there.

Who’s your hero? My mom.

Who would you rather be, Wonderwoman or Catwoman? Catwoman, because she’s skinnier.

Snow or sunshine? Sunshine.

What’s the best movie you’ve ever seen? The best movie I’ve seen lately is “Step Up.” I’m a sucker for dance movies.