Peterson earns athletic honor

Ben Walker

Staff Writer

Utah Statesman: How long have you been playing volleyball?

Kelsi Peterson: Since I was 7. My sister played. I was just the little runt that ran

around tried to pick up the game.

US: What’s your favorite thing about volleyball?

KP: I love competition in any sport. If you think about it, you have to keep

a ball off the ground – and with people hitting it as hard as they do, it’s

nearly impossible sometimes.

US: What’s your favorite sports besides volleyball?

KP: My husband and I like to play tennis a lot.

US: When did you get married?

KP: This summer.

US: Who has been your biggest influence?

KP: Probably my mom. She’s always had a never-give-up attitude. She’s very


US: Why did you choose Utah State?

KP: The culture, the environment. My sister and brother both graduated here,

as well as my mom and my grandpa.

US: Did you have offers elsewhere?

KP: I was a walk-on here. I didn’t think I was going to play. I thought I

was done.

US: How will the team do this year?

KP: A lot better than last year, that’s for sure. I’m so excited to have so

many people who can play so many positions. We have a lot of versatile

players this year.

US: Have you ever been injured playing volleyball?

KP: Just the usual aches and pains.

US: How does it feel to be player of the week?

KP: I was kind of excited. Liberos don’t get a lot of recognition.