
Petty cashes in on corporate bashing

Jacob Moon

Veteran singer/songwriter Tom Petty entertains an audience a the E Center in Salt Lake City Tuesday night.

The concert was part of The Last DJ tour. Petty along with his band The Heart Breakers have a career dating back to 1975.

Petty is on tour promoting his new CD, The Last DJ, without any corporate sponsorship. During the show, Petty spoke out against CEOs and unneeded corporated backing.

“This show is brought to you, by YOU,” he said.

With his love for the music he played and crowd-pleasing demeanor, Petty had the crowd at his fingertips. They cheered and sang along with every word.

The theme to the new songs carried an almost forboding theme.

“This is the meanest, nastiest song I’ve ever written,” Petty said right before performing “Joe,” a song about corporate greed.

The backdrop to the band formed a large shell, which was used to project close-up video of Petty and other band members as they performed.

The concert ended with a three-song encore, topping it off with a rendition of “Mary Jane,” one of Petty’s biggest hits, which lasted more than 10


Tom Petty smiles as he sings one of his songs at a recent show. (Photo by Zak Larsen)