POINT: Afirmative action — Reverse discrimination or just fair?

Gabe White

Affirmative Action is Wrong

Our founding fathers, in writing the documents that would shape our national identity, laid out simple principles, destined to lead this country to its place as a land of freedom for all.

Freedom, equality, justice and truth, established as rights inalienable and self evident, true by definition and in practice, were formally recognized on the American continent. Though many of these ideas were not realized during the lifetimes of those who penned them, the framework was laid for others who would later realize these dreams. Americans have fought and died bravely for these virtues, at home and abroad.

The Constitution must be defended against all enemies, foreign and domestic whom would destroy the freedom it protects. And yet there are those who threaten these virtues today.

We have seen different versions of them in the past, from Hitler to Stalin, men who take away rights for such morally bankrupt reasons as skin color or national origin. These acts of discrimination are the tragedies of human history, and the policies that promote them are of the most vile.

Affirmative Action is such a policy. It was introduced as a short-term remedy for historical patterns of discrimination. It has grown to become a monster of bad public policy. The practice of hiring someone because of their race or ethnicity is based upon the same philosophy that denies someone a job or admittance based on the same criteria. It is demeaning to those of ethnic minorities.

Finally, it is detrimental to economic growth and thus to the standard of living of all Americans.

In the South in the early ’60s, there were many things African Americans couldn’t do. Certain schools kept them out. Certain jobs passed them over because they were black

How is this any different from schools that turn away certain students and jobs that will pass over some qualified applicants simply because they are not part of an ethnic minority? Is the message of Luis Farrakhan different in any way from that of David Duke or Adolf Hitler?

All these men have taught it is OK to oppress those who look differently. No matter which side is doing the hating, it is still hate.

Imagine you sat down to take a test and your professor had already filled in half the answers on your sheet because he didn’t think you could do it without extra help. Insulting, isn’t it?

This feeling is faced every day by people who benefit from race preferences. These programs tell them they just can’t hack it on their own. How about those who are qualified but rejected because of Affirmative Action?

This inequality could demoralize even the strongest of people.

In a free-market system, the one who gets the job is the one who does it best. If two men apply to law school, the one who is better qualified gets in. This principle keeps our country great because people will do what they are best at. Thus, with this specialization, our economy is stronger, more efficient.

Affirmative action means the best man for the job will not always get it, keeping the economy from moving naturally toward specialization and efficiency. This means we will never reach the level of productivity that we could have.

Bottom line, Affirmative Action programs destroy the integrity of the very people they seek to help. By allowing such a policy to continue, we weaken the self-confidence and self-reliance of the ethnic minorities of this country.

Finally, Affirmative Action leads to lower economic growth and greater amounts of inefficiency. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once dreamed that some day people would be judged, “not by the color of their skin, but on the content of their character.” I share his dream.

Gabriel White is a senior majoring in political science. Comments can be sent to him at gkw@cc.usu.edu