Police Blotter

March 8, 2002 A Panasonic professional, digital video camera was stolen from a storage closet on campus. It is valued at $2,500. Police are investigating the incident.

Police responded to a parking problem at approximately 750 N. 800 East. A vehicle had parked on the roadway in front of a driveway which was difficult to see due to heavy snowfall. Police spoke with a resident at the location and suggested an alternative way to exit the property.

Police transported an individual from Student Health Services to Logan Regional Hospital.

March 9, 2002 A 14-year-old girl was injured while competing in a gymnastic event in the Spectrum. Logan Fire Medical personnel responded and transported her to Logan Regional Hospital for care and evaluation.

Police responded to a report of two male individuals who were asked to leave a student activity. Two individuals were arrested.

March 11, 2002 A USU employee reported damage to the lawn and surrounding chain-link fence and gate at the new soccer field. Police discovered a university vehicle had driven off the road to avoid colliding with another vehicle, causing damages.

An individual reported another vehicle had parked a vehicle so close that its bumper was on top of their bumper causing damage to the vehicle. Police are investigating the incident.

Police responded to a room in Mountain View Tower on a report of an odor of marijuana. No problems were found.

March 12, 2002 Police responded to a vehicle blocking the gated entrance to Bullen Hall parking lot. The owner of the vehicle returned and was given a citation.

Police and Fire personnel responded to a hazardous material spill at the Biotechnology Center. The spill was cleaned up by the Utah State University Safety Office.

An individual reported being harassed by another student in Bullen Hall. Police are investigating the incident.

Police arrested an individual after the USU vs. Montana State basketball game for disorderly conduct. The individual had thrown a soda cup at the officials as they were leaving the floor following the game.

March 13, 2002 Police responded to a report of drug paraphernalia at an Aggie Village apartment. Police looked at the item and determined it was not drug paraphernalia. No further action was taken.

A “Service Parking” sign was stolen from the Parking Terrace. Police are investigating the incident.

March 14, 2002 Police responded to the Veterinary Science Research Farm on a report of suspicious circumstances surrounding the death of an ewe. Investigation is continuing.