Police Blotter

Friday, August 31, 2001

Police responded to a medical assist in Mountan View Tower. A student had a seizure and was treated by paramedics at the scene.

A burglary was reported in the Fine Arts Building. An individual entered a room after hours and removed several sketches. The indivdual also knocked several benches over and threw other art items on the floor. No other damage was reported.

A woman’s wallet was found at the entrance to the USU Bookstore. It will be kept in storage until the individual is notified.

Sunday, September 2, 2001

Police assisted Logan City Police Department with an individual threatening suicide.

Monday, September 3, 2001

Police responded to Valley View Tower on the report of an individual who was underage and had been drinking. Officers spoke to the person and determined that alcohol was not involved.

Police responded to a vehicle theft at Snow Hall. Several CDs and a case were stolen from the individual’s unlocked vehicle.

A suspicious person was reported near the Merrill Library. A person was seen pounding on one of the newspaper machines but had left the area before police arrived. No damage was reported to the machine.

Tuesday, September 4, 2001

Police received a report of the theft of a chain and lock that is used by the Parking Department to immobilize two-wheeled vehicles. This lock was placed on a scooter with no license plate, which is a requirement to park on campus. The scooter, along with the chain and lock were missing.

Wednesday, September 5, 2001

Police responded to assist an individual who was acting strangely. The individual was found to be on drugs and was transported to the Logan Regional Medical Center where he was evaluated and later released.

Police responded to the south side of Valley View Tower on a report of two individuals singing at 1:11 a.m. The two were warned for making too much noise at an unreasonable hour. Both individuals cleared the area without further incident.

Graffiti on the wall of room 315 in the Animal Science Building was reported to police. The graffiti appears to be part of a math equation.

Police responded to a report of a fire in the Merrill Library. An electrical problem caused an outlet to spark and partially melt in the Technical Services area of the library. The power was shut off and the problem was fixed by an electrician. No other damage was caused by the fire.

An individual reported that she witnessed a lewd act. Police are investigating the incident. A male individual has been seen in the Valley View Tower women’s bathroom and shower area several times during the past week. Police are investigating the incident.

Thursday, September 6, 2001

A vehicle nearly struck another vehicle in the Stadium West parking lot trying to rush into an available parking stall. The owner of the vehicle will be notified and warned of the violation.

Police responded to a report of a bat in the Space Dynamics Laboratory. The bat was removed with the help of a Tri-City Animal Control officer and USU Facilities personnel.

Police received a report that a telphone solicitor made threatening comments to an Aggie Village resident. Upon further investigation, it was determined that no threats or violations had occurred.