Political Discourse


To feel vindicated, justified, accepted. These are not things a Democrat feels often in Utah. Now, nationwide Democrats are trying to come to grips with the feelings of reject. However, here on campus these feelings of rejection and sorrow can be put on hold.

Recently there was a letter to the editor about the bullying tactics of the republican party. How they try to use fear and other bullying tactics to get their point accross. This is where the feelings of vindication come from. Shortly after the letter was published the author, my wife, recieved this email:

“You’re sounding like quite the bitter liberal. Did I strike a nerve?

Public discourse is what democracy thrives on, I know it, and I imagine youknow it. I’m criticizing the person Leftist use as their mouth piece. Isthat within your narrow mind of public discourse to do? Or does publicdiscourse mean hearing everybody’s side without complaint?

Speaking of lies, I had an interesting conversation with Emilie Holmes. Sheseems to be able to smell nasty lies and said she told you to change yourcolumn because you accused Jared Westbroek and I of ripping down your dumb asssign. You know that is a complete lie or maybe you just believe everythingeverybody says. Could it be that you’re not looking for truth, your lookingfor what “sounds good” to further justify your ridiculous liberal ideology.I’d bet if you heard College Republicans did something wrong, whether its trueor not, you’d believe it because it makes you and your group look better. Ifyou heard Pres. Bush did something wrong, whether its true or not you hop onthe ban wagon and rip into Bush. GET OFF THE WAGON and THINK!

I think it’s fine to bitch and moan because you don’t agree with me on theissue of Micheal Moore, I expect it out of emotional liberals. But toblatantly lie and slander a group is bull shit, unfortunately Leftist likeyourself do it all the time. No wonder you support Micheal Moore so much.You lie yourself.

So who’s the disgusting liar. I think you’ve gone past being politicallynaive and open-minded and have become a pathetic tool for Leftist propaganda.I encourage you to think, study stuff out, be an independent thinker. Stopbitching and moaning about how badly done to you are, and how mean CollegeRepublicans are. If you haven’t noticed by talking with John Conchala, thisyear Republicans and Democrats have worked extremely well together to getmoney for both clubs. This was my idea that I brought to you guys. With thisworking relationship in mind, don’t be a dumb ass and make accusations whenyou have no idea what you’re talking about.

Take Care,”

I have left the authors name out because he knows who he is. Is this the political discourse he was talking about? The kind that people get a little to emotional about an implication of impropriety? I think not. Discourse should be civil, not an attack over what somebody thinks. Seems like Sara’s letter was right all along.

Jon Canchola(435) 797-6745 home(435) 232-1534 cell