Polygamy as a what?


Name: Sara LundbergStudent #: 529-27-0171Phone #: 797-6745Email: sara @cc.usu.edu

Editor, I would like to respond to a letter written by a Mr. Stacey that was published a few weeks ago arguing that if Homosexual marriage was legalized, then polygamy should follow. In defense of polygamy, he states that people who love more than one person should be able to marry if homosexuals are given such rights. He ended the letter admitting that he knew that he would get criticism, and I can’t believe that no one else has responded until now! In this letter he tells us that there is more evidence in the wild of males having more than one sexual partner, and this shows us that it is more natural for us to do the same. It is not only prevalent that males have more than one female partner, but that females have more than one male partner. It is also proven that homosexual behavior is completely common in the wild. So there is not natural or unnatural in this argument. We are obviously going beyond the fact that we are NOT in the wild, but in a supposedly civilized society, in which such arguments wouldn’t make sense in the first place. Where homosexuality doesn’t hurt those involved, polygamy is a sexist and abusive practice, just look at the cases of abuse from groups in and surrounding Utah that still practice it. It is the reinforcement of a kind of blind absolute power of a man over women, reducing women to commodities, like trophies to be collected. These women are emotionally and often physically abused. No matter what they tell you, this was not a happy living arrangement among the women and never could be. The children produced of such unions are often left in poverty and without a healthy relationship with their own father. And you think loving someone of the same sex is a sexual perversion, but bed-hopping amongst 56 “wives” isn’t? Mr. Stacey tries to defend himself by saying, “don’t get me wrong, I love my wife.” I’m sure you do, and I’m sure she loves you too. And I’m sure she would absolutely love you if you came home to her and informed her that you have met someone who you love just as much as her and would like to add to your family! I know it may seem that I am attacking him for stating his beliefs, but I just want to make it clear, that the ideology that polygamy doesn’t hurt other people is a completely false one.

Sara Lundberg