
Poopsicles setting up


Whether it is a form of stress release, a way to let go or just a way to have fun, some USU students have found participating in the intramural volleyball league to be an important part of life.  

One team, the Poopsicles, is comprised of seven players: captain and junior Candace Christensen, freshman Ashley Siddoway, sophomore Brooke Brower, senior Jacque Dana, senior Kelsie Daniels, sophomore Randi Robinson and senior Felicia Cox.

One way or another this team’s members came together so they could all play a sport they love.

Some of the Poopsicles have been roommates, have had classes together, work together or hail from the same hometown.  

“We missed high school volleyball,” Christensen said. “Obviously we aren’t good enough to be on the Utah State team. Plus we wanted to stay physically active.”

The team is 0 for 3 right now, but that record hasn’t stopped the team from “having some fun,” Siddoway said.  “Playing the game has helped us stay fit,” she said, “and we’ve made new friends.”

Many other teams in the program are made up of people who have never played volleyball together before.  

“It’s been hard, but it’s getting better,” Brower said. “Communication is key.”   

Though it has been hard for the team, players are trying to better their record. Most of the women have played volleyball in the past; Robinson said the hardest part is learning how the other teammates play the game.

After the three previous games, Robinson said she thinks they have figured things out.

“We need to start out strong,” Robinson said. “We always get down, and then it is hard to get back up again.”

The team has played well and players expressed a feeling that they have ability to do much better in the coming games.

“Long term we want the T-shirt, and only winners get the T-shirt,” Christensen said, about the team’s motivation to keep playing.

If the Poopsicles win the next game, they still have a chance at winning the T-shirts. “The little things keep us going to, like pancaking the ball or having a great serve,” Christensen said.

Brower said intramurals provide a great atmosphere to compete in.  

“Playing any intramural sport is fun and it’s competitive, but when the game’s over, whether you have won or lost, it is still a fun game,” Brower said. “Even though it is competitive everyone has great sportsmanship and it’s still a lot of fun. Everyone is always cheering each other on, even if they are on the other team.”

The team was originally scheduled to play on Mondays but changed to Thursdays when not enough teams signed up for Monday.

Chirstensen said more people should sign up for intramural volleyball.

“Come out and make it more fun,” Christensen said. “The more people that fill in the slots, the more games that there are.”

Robinson said, “Anybody who wants to come and cheer us on is welcome.”  

Siddoway promised a free fudgesicle to anyone who brings a sign that supports the Poopsicles.  

The Poopsicles will next face Booyah, Tuesday, Oct. 11 in HPER 209 at 6:30 p.m.


– landon.m.h@aggiemail.usu.edu