Potential employers found at fair

Robert McKenzie

Graduating and need a job?

Utah State University will bring employers to the largest career fair in Utah this March.

The Fair will provide spaces for more than 180 companies in the Sunburst Lounge and the ballroom in the Taggart Student Center on March 13 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. to look for future employees.

The employers will be looking for full-time employees as well as interns. The full-time employees must be a graduate and know which businesses will be taking which majors, Jennifer Loscher, assistant director of Career Services, said.

To help students during the fair, Career Services will have maps at the information desk that point out the location of each company in addition to telling which majors the different businesses accept.

“We suggest students bring a number of résumés to give to the businesses they are interested in as well as taking business cards of those businesses,” she said.

In order to help students prepare for the upcoming career fair, Career Services will bring Lois Berggren, a recruiter from IBM, to lead a workshop for students planning on attending the Fair. The workshop will consist of résumé work as well as some key ideas and tactics recruiters look for when hiring employees, she said. This workshop will take place March 4 at noon and then again at 5 p.m. in the TSC.

Career Services also welcomes students to come in the office for help with their résumés to hand out at the fair, Loscher said.

This career fair will offer hundreds of jobs to the students interested in attending, she said.

“Its a great way for students to network with employers and get good contacts for the future. It also benefits employers by offering hundreds of students at once in one centralized location,” Loscher said.

Utah State has had a great reputation in the past for the career fair, and will offer hundreds of employment opportunities for students this coming year.

Both programs will offer helpful hints, contacts, and job opportunities for students at the career fair and workshop. Students are also encouraged to come in to the Career Services Center for help and guidance in writing their résumé and applying for jobs at the fair, Loscher said.