
Preparing mentally for the next semester

Preparing mentally for the upcoming semester can be a difficult task. Students must adapt to new circumstances and be ready to persevere through the following months.

Students physically prepare in many ways: gathering their belongings to move into dorms or apartments, buying textbooks and meeting new roommates.

But how should students prepare for the mental struggles the new semester will inevitably bring?

Common suggestions to help reduce both new and old stressors are focused on improving sleep, particularly by setting a regular bedtime, creating a bedtime routine and avoiding large amounts of caffeine.

Regular exercise and healthy eating are also regularly recommended tips for improving lifestyle and lowering stress levels.

Goal setting can be an important part of preparing mentally for the next semester, especially when the big picture seems overwhelming. Brenna Nelson, a sophomore studying recreational management, said she prioritizes this.

“I make short term goals to just make it to Christmas break, to the end of the semester,” Nelson said. “Then, at the beginning of spring semester, I make another short term goal to make it to summer break.”

An article from Herzing University suggested taking time before the semester starts to plan out your class schedule and expected coursework load. Buying textbooks before the first week is another way to reduce the stress of the first few days.

Some students mentally prepare for the semester by recognizing some classes will be significantly harder than those they took last semester.

Kirra McEntire, a sophomore in the interior design program, described how a positive mindset helps her cope with semester stress.

“To mentally prepare for the upcoming semester, I understand I will have a difficult course load while trying to give myself the confidence to go into it with a good mindset,” McEntire said.

Despite the break from classes, summer can bring jobs just as stressful and exhausting as a full course schedule. Emerald Spencer, a sophomore studying business management, said people need a recharge just from the summer before returning to school.

“My job this summer as a camp counselor has been exhausting, so I’m leaving my job a week before classes start to sleep and pack for school so I can recover,” Spencer said.

But stress management isn’t just about preparation — it’s an ongoing process.

Once the semester starts, don’t forget to keep managing your stress levels. Students can benefit from acts of self-care during times of stress, whether it’s exercise or a good clay face mask.

Sophomore Savana Merkley explained how she gets ready for the “expected stressors” the semester will bring.

“I mentally prepare for the semester by gathering stress relieving items for me,” Merkley said. “These include Bath and Body Works products like the aromatherapy ones and the new Halloween scented ones. I believe self-care is important and like to be prepared.”

There are countless ways to mentally prepare for the new semester, from making a plan to manage your work to stocking up on self-care essentials. Students take many approaches to prepare for their new classes and new environment. Everyone finds their own way to get ready, so do what’s best for you!