Matthew Richey

President Richey welcomes students

Dear Fellow Aggies,

Welcome back to Utah State University! As we step into the new academic year, I’m filled with excitement and reflection. Whether you’re returning for another year or joining our community for the first time, I want you to know that we are thrilled to have you here. This year, more than ever, our campus is a place where your presence is both valued and needed.

Over the summer, our community faced some significant challenges. These events have tested us, brought us together, and reminded us of the resilience that defines us as Aggies. I want to acknowledge the difficulties we’ve all experienced — on the personal and community level. It hasn’t been easy, but in true Aggie spirit, we will navigate these times with strength and unity.

Our campus culture is vibrant and energetic! With all sorts of student events and organizations, student life here is unparalleled. This fall, as we come together once again, let’s commit to fostering a welcoming environment where everyone feels they belong. It’s important that we take the time to support one another, to listen, and to learn from each other. Everyone deserves to call Utah State home.

One of the most remarkable aspects of our Aggie community is our ability to support each other during tough times. I encourage you to lean on the support systems available on campus — whether that’s through friends, faculty, student organizations, or university resources. You are always free to reach out to me or any of the USUSA Officers with questions, concerns, or just if you need a friend. If you don’t believe me, I challenge you to stop by my office! You are not alone, and we are all here to help one another succeed.

This year, I challenge each of us to focus on rebuilding and strengthening the bonds that connect us. Let’s make it a priority to reach out to those who might feel isolated, to engage in meaningful conversations, and to be intentional about creating an inclusive campus culture. Our experiences over the summer have highlighted the importance of community, and it’s up to each of us to ensure that every student feels welcome, supported, and valued.

As we embark on this new academic journey, let’s also remember to take care of ourselves. Balancing academic responsibilities with personal well-being is crucial, and there are numerous resources available to assist you in doing so. From mental health services to academic advising, Utah State University is committed to your success in all aspects of your life.

In closing, I want to express how much I’m looking forward to seeing what we accomplish this year. We are set up for success in so many areas. As we move forward, let’s continue to build a community where kindness, respect, and understanding are at the forefront of all we do.

Here’s to a successful and fulfilling year ahead. Let’s make this year one of growth, connection, and achievement.

Welcome back, Aggies!

Matt Richey, Student Body President

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