
Presidentail Candidates narrowed down to Bybee, Stevens on Friday

Kari Gray

As primary elections for the Associated Students of Utah State University came to a close Friday evening, final elections began with the announcement of the finalists, including the position for ASUSU president.

Jake Stevens and Celestial Starr Bybee were announced as the final candidates for the president position, and both have a strong desire to better student life and make higher education an easier experience, the candidates said.

Stevens, a junior majoring in economics and finance, said one reason he decided to run for ASUSU president is because he’s seen that students can make a difference.

“Higher education can be a frustrating experience and I would like to make it easier and more enjoyable for the student body,” Stevens said.

Stevens said he also plans on renovating and reconstructing the amphitheater for USU.

He said the project has been 23rd on a list made by the Advancement and Development Department and was recently dropped from the list altogether.

Stevens said with the support of local construction businesses and USU matching financial donations for the amphitheater, it is a realistic goal that can be accomplished by students.

“It will bring the surrounding community and students together to support USU,” Stevens said.

Bybee, a junior majoring in public relations, said she also plans on tackling many projects that will present themselves during the year.

She said her biggest goal is to help students state wide.

She said she has been lobbying legislature most of the year for student needs and has cultivated strong relationships with state representatives.

Bybee also said she would like to advance the communication efforts with students through ASUSU.

“I would like students to know what their ASUSU officers are doing for them,” she said.

She said one of the reasons she is qualified for the position is because of her good relationship with USU faculty and staff after working with them as the executive vice president for ASUSU this year.

“I love my job and the people I get to work with” Bybee said. “What better job to do than to work with students and friends. ASUSU benefits thousands of students.”

Stevens said one of the reasons he is qualified for the position as ASUSU president is because, as chief of staff to the ASUSU president this year, he has had the opportunity to sit next to Steve Palmer and knows what it takes to handle day-to-day affairs.”

Bybee also said, “At many times during the year I have been delegated to act in the place of the president.”

Stevens said he also has “the ability to stand up for what [he] believes in.”

Stevens and Bybee both said they plan on staying in touch with the needs of the student body by attending all the events and going to class.

Stevens said it is important to “see things through the eyes of an average student.”

Bybee said she plans on “making the most of every minute” in order to be available to talk to students.