price of biol 1210 lab book is excessive

Typical of most college students, I am on a tight budget. For this reason I was distraught when I found out I would have to fork out $40 for a Biology 1210 lab book. Working for minimum wage it takes 8 hours to pay for a $40 lab book. In addition I purchased a supplemental lab book for $3. The supplemental lab book followed the same structure and function of the $40 book. I voiced my concerns to the bookstore. They told me that the reason this book was $40 was that it was published by an outside publishing company. The $3 book was published on campus. The only discernable difference between the two lab books is the $40 book has a snazzy cover. Honestly, no one cares about snazzy covers. Does someone own the rights to the lab book? If yes, then why does the Biology department want to do business with a publisher that gouges students? If no, then why not publish the book on campus. Student welfare is being flouted by this price gouging. I think the University Administration should consider this sort of abuse in their long term strategy for USU. Most of us will be alumni someday and we will be solicited for donations to the university. How will price gouging play on the size of checks we send out? Joshua Lucherini435-559-0091