Protect the Lowest Common Denominator

Re: Tom Grover’s missive on simplified political discourse. It’s your job to be informed. It’s not the responsibility of the media. Journalists often think that their job is much more important then it really is. They are trained to write concisely and to get their facts straight. They are not trained in the disciplines of anthropology, sociology, ethics, theology, politics, or World History. Machiavelli never wrote a book about how to be a journalist. The media has done little to earn the purported power that they have over forming the hearts and minds of their public. Pandering to the lowest common denominator or the needs of society, (dictated by the marketplace) is at least a rational means of deciding “what news is” and is essentially democratic.

I’m not sure that Grover is complaining that he can’t find anybody to talk to about politics though. No, I think that he is worried about those unwashed masses that he places himself above. Liberal intellectualism is a diseased ideology. It’s diseased precisely because it refuses to take any pleasure in sex and violence. Liberals refuse to be lurid, because luridness appeals to the most base and primitive urges of the human animal. The liberal ideal is a world of menopausal matinee ladies engaged in very polite and hushed conversation. Sexism and racism aren’t just practices under liberal law, they are forbidden from our lexicon and from our minds. Their goal is utter dehumanization in the name of civility.

They are worse then the conservatives really. The conservatives actually draw a line in the sand where they are allowed to be cretins. To the degree that the liberals hate religion it’s BECAUSE it’s sexist and racist. The anti-Christian attitude is actually more moralistic then Christianity itself. Sure liberals support abortion and homosexuality, but I suspect that that is only because they never have to look at them. One cannot be a true humanist until you accept the icky bits too.

We need to protect the lowest common denominator. Intellectual truth should not be a trade-off for the emotional truths suppressed by such elitist thought.

Alex Jackson(435) 797-6689520-17-7954