QUICK PICKS: Fulfilling the donut craving

Jill Morris

Note: Quick Picks represents the writer’s opion of what the top establishments are.

There is nothing like a glazed donut to boost the spirits of a struggling college student. But with so many options in Logan, which choice is the right choice? Well, here are some of the donut establishments we tried here in town. They are rated on a four donut scale according to taste, texture, size and an overall view.

4. Shaffer House Bakery ($.41)

Cost is really the only thing going for this donut. It was the smallest in size with only a very thin layer of sticky glaze. Although the donut maintained a good, soft texture, it had some major flaws in taste. The Shaffer House donut had a slightly fruity taste, not at all conducive to a good donut.

3. 7-11 ($.69)

This is the most expensive glazed donut, but makes up for the price with size and thickness. The density of this donut really gives you something to chomp down on. The taste was somewhat lacking, but was saved by an extra thick layer of glaze. Surprisingly, the 7-11 donut was not half bad. Yet, it still lacked the freshly-made taste found elsewhere in Logan.

2. Logan Bakery: Panaderia Mexicana ($.50)

This bakery brings a new, but welcomed, twist to the glazed donut. Their product was by far the largest of those tasted. It had a thick bread-like texture and a darker appearance than most glazed donuts. The glaze was more of a granulated sugar rather than the smoother glaze of other shops. It had a slightly different taste than your typical donut, but the difference was appreciated. Overall, it was a tasty and filling treat.

1. Carmack’s ($.63)

Carmack’s original glazed donut was exactly what a donut should be. It wasn’t the largest of the bunch, but it wasn’t the smallest either. The taste and texture seemed to make up for whatever it was lacking in size. It was fresh and dense with a perfect amount of glaze covering it. This donut had the freshly-made taste and smell which lures students in.