QUICK PICKS: Popping the perfect corn

Joespeh Dougherty

Note: Quick Picks represents the writer’s opinion of what the microwave popcorn is.

Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop.Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop pop pop poppop poppop poppopoppopopopoopop. Pop. Pop. Pop pop. Pop.Pop. Ding. The scent of hot butter wafting through the air makes me salivate. I’ll try not to drool. The next bag of microwave popcorn is done. I only sampled Movie Style Butter flavored brands, recognizing the existence of light butter, kettle corn and heavy butter flavors. I just thought it would all be too much popcorn.

4. Jolly Time Blast O’ Buttercost $1.25 for a 3-pack The Blast O’ Butter was just a little too much of a blast for my taste buds. Imagine biting into a stick of salty, salty butter. I think that makes my point. It did smell good however. Approximately 80 kernels were left unpopped. 1 kernel

3. Pop Secret Movie Theater Buttercost $2.69 for a 3-pack Although the butter flavoring was weaker, it was more enjoyable than Jolly Time’s butter coronary. Approximately 76 kernels were left unpopped. 1 1/2 kernels

2. Act IIcost: Free from News Editor Danielle Hegsted’s roommate An enjoyable treat, this popcorn went down, nice and easy. Indeed, it was finger-lickin good. Free is always a nice price to pay, too. I was saddened to see more than 200 kernels left unpopped. 2 kernels 1. Orville Redenbacher’s Movie Buttercost: $2.69 for a 3-pack This popcorn was definitely divine. I wholeheartedly recommend this one. It’s simply the best. Nice, buttery popcorn is salted perfectly. Guess what? Only 66 kernels were left unpopped. 4 kernels

I also stole a pack of my editor’s Act II caramel popcorn from his desk. This was also a treat. I was skeptical about microwaving caramel and mixing it with the popcorn, but the directions are simple and the caramel literally melted in my mouth. 4 kernels