Quick Stop getting a new look

Ashley Unck

When going in to purchase a soda, students may realize the Quick Stop is in the process of being remodeled.

The Quick Stop remodeling has been a topic of dialog for the past three years, said Gary Chambers, student life assistant vice president.

It is being remodeled this month and should be finished near the end of October, Chambers said.

Mike McLeskey, a sophomore, said he doesn’t think the remodeling of the Quick Stop will make a difference.

“I would come here just as much,” McLeskey said.

The Quick Stop is being redone to ease congestion and make it accessible and quick. The Housing and Food Services’ goal is to accommodate the students and increase the product line offered, Chambers said.

Housing is continually interested in student concern, Chambers said.

Housing is in the “spirit of trying to increase services” he said.

“I’ll come either way for the 50 cent refills”, said Julie Deihl, customer and contract specialist.

“It [the process] is going along real slow and we hope to have it done by Halloween,” said MaryAnn Crockett, manager of the Quick Stop.

The Quick Stop will be in operation during the construction, Chambers said.

The reconstruction will be done from within Utah State University. No outside construction will be hired, Chambers said.

The e-mail terminals will be relocated to accommodate the double doors that will be built on the west side of the Quick Stop, Chambers said.