Rant About The Zealots


My Name is Alex Taylor (That is not part of my letter, but I think you need it)

It’s the preachy people that bug me. Everyone is always trying to persuade me on the issues of morality, never shy to judge or tell me that what I am doing is wrong. What really blows me away is these people who will tell me that their religion is the only right religion. When asked how many religions they have been a part of, the answer is almost exlusively one. This person tells me that one religion is the right one because they felt the spirit whispering to them, and then my mother tells me that her religion is the only right one because she saw an angel doing jumping jacks. Everyone tells me, this is the way to god, or that is the way to god and the only thing they can use to back it up, is their own self proclaiming religious text. I’m known for being smart and sarcastic on occassion, but it is not always entirely unfounded. I believe in a god, and believe that religion may be a path to god. A parable. I think of a small child who from the time he was very little learned to add on a calculator. He went to math class, and they told him, “Praise the calculator, for it allows us to add” and for years he adds on the calculator not really thinking much of it and everyone is happy. One day a man comes along and wants to show him how to add using sticks, and they get in a terrible fight. So the boy kills the man and burns all his sticks and goes back to working on his calculator. If you think this story is ridiculous, take a look at what happened when someone said the earth went around the sun. Religion has to give up as science catches up, and science is catching up in a hurry. Eating ham is also forbidden in the bible. now with preservatives and refridgeration we can eat ham. How long will it be before we can be free?