Ray named top Aggie

Julie Ann Grosshans

Editors Note: Brennan Ray was the Utah State Athlete of the Week during the Olympic Break.

Utah Statesman: You’ve really been crashing the boards recently, is it something you’ve been working on or is it just coming to you?

Brennan Ray: It’s just the right place at the right time. Rebounding is all about attitude and desire, and I’ve always had that. I’ve just been lucky [lately].

US: What has been your most memorable moment as an Aggie?

BR: That would have to be the win over Ohio State last year. That was so huge. After that I would probably have to say winning the Big West Tournaments. It’s really tough to pick one, but if I had to pick one it would be that one.

US: What do you do to pump yourself up before a game?

BR: Absolutely nothing. I’m automatically fired up just because it’s a game. I don’t do anything out of the ordinary. I don’t go banging my head against the lockers or anything crazy like that.

US: Who picks the music in the locker room?

BR: Not me, because we would be listening to all the Oldies, as old as I am. Desmond, Ronnie and Calvin. Calvin because he sits next to the stereo. A lot of us guys don’t have much say.

US: You are the second-oldest person in the Big West Conference, how do you feel about that?

BR: I wish I was the oldest. It’s great. I don’t feel like that old. I feel like I’m as old as these young kids running around. I wish I was older.

US: Did you see any of the Olympics?

BR: I have. I haven’t actually gone and seen them, but I’ve been at home. Basketball keeps us so busy that it’s impossible to get away and go to a venue. The Olympics are great. It’s been fun to watch the Americans do as well as they have done.

US: What is something you excel at outside of basketball?

BR: Probably playing with my son. I enjoy that very much. We have fun. Not a day goes by that we don’t play. It’s always a game, whether I’m changing his diaper or something. It’s always a game between the two of us. It’s something I enjoy and I’d like to think I excel at.

US: Do you hope your son plays basketball?

BR: It would be great, but I’ll let him go wherever he wants to go. I’ve lived my life; I’ve had my experience. Whatever he chooses to do, that’s great. That’s wonderful. Of course he’s got a basketball hoop in his room. We’re always playing basketball. Who knows? You never know.

US: What is the hardest part about being on the road?

BR: Being away from my family. When I was first married it was bad, but it is more difficult now having a son. The second-hardest thing is eating the same food – chicken and pasta.

US: Before home games you sing I Will Survive with Jeremy Vague, why?

BR: We watched The Replacements one road trip. That’s where we got it from. If they don’t play it here I think I’m going to have a bad game or something. Jeremy and I have so much fun. He’s a goof-off and I’m a goof-off. We just have a lot of fun with that song. It’s been a good memory for me, too.