Re: Re: Alternative to Abstinence

In response to the letter Mr. Brandon Delk submitted that appeared in the 1/17/03 edition of the Statesman:

First I will begin that I am no longer at USU but graduated a few years ago. Being in the “real” world makes you see things in a different view. It is true that everyone has the right to choose what he or she wants to do. However, I know several people who choose to have intercourse outside of wedlock. When they have children, others around me (and at work) say “oh, well congratualtions” but when they have childeren in wedlock the oh, contratulations is said with a little more enthusiasm. Particularly when it comes from a married individual whose son or daughter granted themselves the right to have sex outside of marriage.

My wife and I had our first back in November. What a relief to know that our daughter is a ligitamate child…and that means a lot, no matter what age or era you live in. Also, it’s a relief to have the insurance and a good job to provide for her.

In short (and I’m sure it’s time to make a lot of people mad, but oh well), it appears that those who believe in freedom of choice to have sex outside of marriage usually do not believe or care about the presence of an omnipotent being. And it’s not only western religions that believe in abstinence and chastity, but several eastern religions do also (to the point of death for punishment!).

While on the subject of religion and since I’m a westerner – one final note. Since the beginning of man, God has instituted laws of chastity and only having sexual relations in the bonds of marriage. Science has nothing to do with it. Have you ever thought that maybe we have the scientific understandings we as a human society have because of a God. Who are we as mere mortal humans to second guess the infinite wisdom of a God!

Just some thoughts.

Nathan Smith