Response to “Moore not a good authority”


On October 25th I read a letter titled “Moore not a good authority,” and I would like to respond to Mr. Dewey’s letter and let people know what really went on at UVSC on the 20th of October. I just want to say that I too, went to UVSC to see Michael Moore and listened to what he had to say.

When Mr. Dewey referred to the First Amendment and the “complete idiots” that come along with it, I can only assume that he meant Michael Moore. In response to this attack, I have to say that Moore was called worse things during his speech and I think that it must be the Right who is desperate. And to resort to such childish name-calling makes me wonder what exactly the Right is afraid of.

In his letter Mr. Dewey also says that Michael Moore’s films were not based on truth but were in fact, “artistic interpretations,” of the truth. This is simply not true. While Fahrenheit 911 may have been produced in a biased fashion, Moore has never denied that fact. Also, the facts in the film have yet to be refuted. Do you think that if any information was false, the Bush Administration or anyone connected with Bush’s campaign would let Moore get away with it? The only reason that they haven’t brought Michael Moore to court is because what Moore said was true.

The “traditional family”-hating quote that Mr. Dewey refers to is not only incomplete but was taken out of context. Moore was making an attempt at self-deprecating humor and based on the standing ovation he received from the audience on that remark I daresay that the audience thought it was funny. Also, he had the veterans and current military members stand up for a round of applause in thanks for the job that they do. He also mentioned the numerous threats and the harassment that UVSC’s President and Vice-president went through to bring him there.

Finally, Mr. Dewey said that the Left must be desperate. All I can say to this is that we truly are. We are currently faced with a President who blew the biggest budget surplus in history, lost over 3 million jobs, promoted the writing of discrimination into our Constitution, oversaw and fought for the biggest attack on our civil liberties since the McCarthy era (the Patriot Act), started a war with a defenseless country (which has cost us over 1000 U.S. lives), and much more. And he did all of this knowing that he had to run for re-election. Now we have to ask ourselves what he will do next term if he again wins the White House knowing that he won’t.

Summer Kelley519-33-0330(435)