response to Rich Timothy’s “Lawyers are the spawn of the devil” 4/6/01

Dear Editor,In response to Rich Timothy’s recent article concerning “evil lawyers,” I would like to present a different view. As a future lawyer I have researched the law field and contend that this article was written with many misconceptions. We must remember that real life is not Ally McBeal! Most lawyers are not greedy litigators, as was described, but in fact do their work outside of the courtroom trying to promote peaceful agreements. Only a small amount of lawyers work for large, high paying firms while most work in the government, the judicial area, or small practices. Have you ever heard of a public interest lawyer–one who works for little or no pay to provide law services to the disadvantaged? Did you know that USU even has a lawyer in the TSC that provides services to students? I would like to see if most students would be willing to spend three more years in school, paying an average of $70,000 to enter a profession that is often mistrusted and not appreciated for what it is. Lawyers have a duty to provide the services necessary to uphold every American’s basic right to legal protection. They are not ignorant, nor do they make rash judgements; they are prepared and informed. I challenge others to do the same. Margery Schulzstudent # 241-41-8004797-6748