
Ross Geller: underrated and admirable

Ross Geller is the most underrated character in Friends. 

I was numbered among the haters until I realized Ross is actually an admirable character in “Friends.” Before I hop into the awesome, loving and deep character of Ross Geller, I have to give appreciation to David Schwimmer who played Ross in all ten seasons of “Friends.” Not only did David Schwimmer play the part of Ross Geller with humor and wit, he also gave Ross a lot of depth that is hard to miss. 

One of the biggest trademarks of Ross Geller’s character is getting divorced. He does it three times in the 10 years of the show. At first glance, it may seem like reckless behavior and serious misjudgment, but the truth is Ross gets married so many times because he falls in love so hard and wants the commitment of marriage.

After all, in one of my favorite episodes (which is also one of the most awkward), “The One Where Ross Is Fine,” Ross drunkenly declares, “Ah, love. L-O-V-E love. ‘L’ is for life. I mean what is life without love?” 

None of the friends do as much for love as Ross does. He climbs up a fire escape in the rain to talk to Rachel in “The One With The List,” gets dressed in a tux on short notice so Rachel can go to the prom in “The One With The Prom Video,” gives up the opportunity to be on the Discovery Channel to take care of Rachel in “The One With A Chick and A Duck,” and plays rugby and gets beat up for Emily in “The One With All The Rugby.” Ross gives everything he has to the woman he loves (who is Rachel most of the time). 

While Ross gives everything he has to romance and love, he also maintains good friendships. Ross is the glue holding the friends together. He’s Monica’s older brother and Chandler’s old roommate; without him, Monler would never have happened. May I also point out even though Ross and Rachel break up several times, Ross never abandons his friends, no matter how awkward it is. Have you ever tried to hang out with an ex? The word uncomfortable does not do that feeling justice. But Ross does it every time because he is always there for Monica, Joey, Chandler, Phoebe and even Rachel, regardless of his love life. That kind of friendship and loyalty is almost extinct nowadays. I am astounded Ross gets so much hate for his divorces or annoying (but funny), quirky ways when he is one of the most loving and loyal friends in the show. 

I think it is also relevant to mention Ross Geller has a Ph.D. in paleontology. He worked hard to get his education and never worries about money because of his advanced degree. 

Ross may be a little frustrating at times, but aren’t all friends occasionally? To me, Ross will always be the guy who bought leather pants as a part of his New Year’s resolution to do something different every day, only to end up with a shrunk pair of pants in “The One With All The Resolutions.” Here’s to hoping we can all be loyal, hardworking and loving friends like Ross Geller. 

*Graphic by Sadie Buhman.


Emily White is a junior studying English and broadcast journalism. She is currently serving as the senior writer for the Lifestyles section of the Statesman.
