Rugby clubs starting spring season

Shereen Saurey

Men’s rugby begins this week. The team is looking to build on its recent success, as it posted a 5-3 record last season.

“Our goal is to go out and have a good time,” said flanker Mark Brooks.

The team has a mix of both younger athletes and veteran players. After this season, eight members will leave the team because of graduation or for LDS missions. Brooks said all the team members are very similar in ability and skill. The team will focus on training its newer team members so the young team base will be stronger for next year.

The rugby team will face teams this year from many colleges and universities in Utah, Idaho and Wyoming, including Brigham Young University, Utah Valley State College, the University of Utah, the University of Wyoming, Idaho State University and Boise State University.

Brooks said USU’s first home game, against BYU, will be its most challenging.

“We’ve only beaten them once,” Brooks said. “And they’re a school-sponsored team.”

In addition to the scheduled games, the team will also participate in tournaments throughout the season. One tournament the team is looking forward to is “Sevens,” which will take place this summer in California.

This season, the team has been of service to the community. The Aggies started a Cache Valley rugby team. On weekday afternoons, members teach high school students to play rugby, giving the students the opportunity to play in Salt Lake City against other high school teams.

The men’s rugby team welcomes new players who would like to join this season.

“We’re looking for more people,” Brooks said.

Practices are held Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5 p.m. at the HPER Field.