
Ryan Campbell Valedictorian

Drue Tolman

Valedictorian of the College of Science, Ryan Campbell is graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in chemistry.

Campbell said there were a handful of influential professors that made a difference in his education. He said Stephen Biakowski, analytical chemistry, is really a helpful professor.

“He has always cared. Anytime I have had a question, even if it’s not in a course I have had with him, he’s been really good to sit down and research something out with me and give me resources to find information. That’s pretty rare” he said.

For the future, Campbell said he will either go to the University of Utah for graduate school or he will work for a year and then continue on to graduate school then.

Campbell said he has been working at Campbell Scientific, a business dealing with scientific instrumentation. Working there, Campbell said he has done research on soils testing, weather sensors and instrumentation along those lines. For his senior seminar, Campbell said he did research with a weather sensor here in Logan, specifically testing for aerosol in the air.

Campbell has also worked as a river guide for two years in Jackson Hole, Wyo. and Salmon, Idaho. He has been teaching a kayaking class at USU this semester.

He said “I’ve loved it, it’s way different from anything I do on campus. It’s been a great place to meet people and make new friends.”

Campbell also plays the fiddle in the bluegrass band Dah.
