Scott Dewey letter

Sara Lundberg529270171797-6745sara@cc.usu.eduThis is not a letter, more of a complaint! As much as I appreciate all that you all do here, I must protest. The guidelines for letters clearly says that letters should not be over 350 words. I carefully trim any letter I submit, and use word to count it. The last letter I wrote was exactly 350 and I was told it was too long. Now I am reading Scott Dewey’s letter and I am thinking it is really long. I am reading online (I was away for a few days, so I’m catching up) and I cut and paste the text and use my word count and its 449 words! Is the 350 word rule only for some.On the subject of Scott Dewey, and slander I have a question. After writing a letter to the editor, Mr. Dewey sent me an email in which he used foul and threatening language about my letter. I responded, a bit aloof, but laughing at how silly he was, and got more of the same back from him. I didn’t care, I thought it was funny that he was getting so worked up. But my dear husband wanted to talk to him, because Mr. Dewey had used my husbands name in one of the letters and Mr. Dewey said to him, “Well maybe you should control your wife.” CONTROL? And now he is talking about abortion. I would like to write a letter about how he really thinks that women should be treated, but is this slander? Please email me, rather than calling. I won’t be home until after 10.