Seeking out offense is ridiculous

By Katherine Lambert

I hope no one is offended by what I’m about to say.

I’m offended by how many people say they are offended.

It’s one thing to be offended when someone insults your core values. It’s another to be offended when someone insults a group you identify with.

But it’s absolute ludicrousness to purposely seek out offenses for the sole purpose of elevating your social status.

This is the worse kind of hypocrisy. Not only are you mostly likely not offendedby the offense in question, but you are demeaning the values of others when you lie in their name for the silent applause of Facebook.

This is truly offensive.

Feigning offense in the name of others is not noble. It is not honorable. It’s sick, it’s twisted and, above all, it is a lie.

Stop lying. Stop championing causes on social media that you don’t really believe in. Stop using others’ pain, or the perception of it, to gain electronic fame.

It shows a sad lack of self-assurance to have such a constant need for others’ attention that you would seek out others’ pain and project it for your own gain.

Worse, it takes away the validity of others’ pain.

Educate yourself on the issue. Is it worth being offended about? If it is, do something to stop it. Don’t slap a self-righteous post on social media because everyone else seems to be getting attention for doing the same thing.

— Katie Lambert is a senior in print journalism graduating in December. She enjoys reading, running outside and, on occasion, eating her weight in Swedish Fish. Email her at or message her on Twitter @klamb92.