Senior leads USU spikers to sweeps over Utah, Idaho

Julie Ann Grosshans

Utah Statesman: You’ve been named Utah State Athlete of the Week numerous times throughout your career, how does it feel?

Erin Cartwright: It’s awesome. It’s good to be recognized. I owe a lot of it to my teammates. [Andrea Delsigne] is an awesome setter and we’ve had some awesome passers. It helps a lot.

US: How big was it for the Aggies to get the sweep Tuesday over the University of Utah and the sweep Friday over Idaho?

EC: I think it is so key for us to come on top of keys at home. It was a really good win against Utah. It is just going to carry us into next week.

US: Looking at the matches you’ve played so far, where do you think you stand in the Big West Conference?

EC: I think we’re at least top four if you think about it. Idaho is a lot lower than we are. I think we are up there.

US: How much does it help to have former Utah State star Heather Olmstead as an assistant coach?

EC: It helps. She knows me like the back of a book kind of thing. She knows when I need something said to just because we are best friends. She helps a lot.

US: What is the most exciting part of a match for you?

EC: I really like getting blocks with my teammates, especially against outside hitters and middles. I think getting a block feels so awesome.

US: Do you have any pre-match traditions?

EC: I usually sit by myself for a couple of minutes and think about what I need to do and what I can do to help my teammates in the games.

US: What are you hoping to do after college?

EC: Hopefully, get a job. I don’t think I want to go to school anymore. My husband [T.J. Davis] is pre-med and we are going to go to medical school. Hopefully, maybe I can play volleyball there or maybe get a job coaching. We don’t know where yet, he has a couple more years then he’ll take the MCAT and hopefully we’ll go somewhere good.

US: How is married life and how is it different socially on the team now for you?

EC: It’s good. It’s so awesome. It’s fun. It’s been like five months. I feel older just because me and Erin Graybill [who is married to Riki Graybill] are known as the ‘married girls.’ I feel kind of like I have a higher responsibility to be mature and older. Hopefully, I can do that.

US: Where did you go on your honeymoon?

EC: We went to the Caribbean on a cruise. It was really fun.

US: Whom do you think you are closest with on the team?

EC: That is tough because I don’t know. I think of all of my teammates as my best friends. I don’t think there is one that I would say.