Service and Education Week comes to a close

Marie MacKay

Students can take advantage of service and learning opportunities Friday and Saturday as Service and Education week comes to a close.

An education and agriculture social will be held at First Dam at 6 p.m. Friday before a Colors concert in the Kent Concert Hall of the Chase Fine Arts Center at 7:30 p.m. There will be a “Quadival” carnival on the Quad sponsored by the LDS Student Association and Students Together Ending Poverty (STEP) from 5 to 8 p.m.

This is the first year for the Quadival. They will have many activities, including a blow-up slide, a mechanical bull and quilting.

Lanae Peterson, Quadival committee member, said, “This is a great way to meet new people, and we hope this will be a success.”

Students are also invited to a Special Olympics practice session Saturday from 9 to 11 a.m. in the HPER Building.

A Logan Canyon clean-up, sponsored by United Campus Volunteers, Project Pals and Alternative Breaks, is scheduled for Saturday at 8 a.m. at Second Dam. Students will be sandbagging along the river, replacing fences, working on trail maintenance and pulling weeds.

Matthew Godfrey, director of United Campus Volunteers, said, “Logan Canyon is such a big part of the university, and it is a good opportunity to contribute and give back to something we use every day. It’s important to keep it clean and any help would be appreciated.”

Throughout the week, there have been many other activities to get students involved in service and education.

For Service Week, Students Teaching Arithmetic and Reading (STAR) made baby quilts to send to humanitarian aid centers. They colored and organized folders containing pictures and activities to aid children in reading and math.

A Friends of the Elderly fundraiser gave students the opportunity to meet residents of the Cache Valley Senior Center.

As for Education Week, Johnny Navarrete, Associated Students of Utah State University education senator, said the goal was to bring the faculty and students together and show what the College of Education has to offer.

There were many activities, including free Aggie ice cream, a writing contest, a five-kilometer fun run and a faculty-student ultimate Frisbee game.

“The week has gone really well and the committee for the week has worked really hard to put it together,” Navarrete said.