Service-learning program gives students opportunities to benefit the community.

Diana Taylor

Some students may leave Utah State University with more than a bachelor’s degree.

They may also carry a certificate in service-learning.

“I believe that students privileged enough to receive higher education have a mandate to use their knowledge and resources to serve their communities and the world at large,” said Aaron Brown, student director of service-learning.

Service-learning integrates community service with academic study. Professors have been using service learning in the classroom for years and many believe that hands on service gives the students an opportunity to engrave more deeply the things they study.

In landscape architecture 2700, Professor Craig Johnson is using service-learning. Due to the expansion of U.S. Highway 91 from Smithfield to the Idaho border, Professor Johnson and his students are developing a plan to expand and preserve the small town of Richmond.

“Our goal is to help Richmond keep it’s small town feeling, and cope with the new development,” said Rory Taylor, a junior in Landscape Architecture. This is just one way students at Utah State participate in service-learning.

Many universities in the country have already adopted this program.

At the University of Nebraska, students taking a literacy and justice class, spend their time tutoring children in the area.

Spanish Club students from USU traveled to Mexico during spring break and built homes for families.

These students received academic credit for this service. As the service-learning program grows, more opportunities will be available to students.

“We envision a certificate program where students take designated service-learning classes, complete community service hours and eventually plan and carry out their own capstone project,” Brown said.

Brown said many students spend countless hours doing service, this program would be a way to involve more students and give recognition for all the effort done by others.

“Hopefully, by the end of this year students can have the option of earning a service-learning certificate and reporting service-learning experiences on their transcripts,” Brown said.