
Snowmen line up for Gallery Walk

ANDY PIERUCCI, staff writer



The first Walkin’ in a Winter Wonderland Snowman Gallery Walk took place 6-8 p.m. Tuesday at the Haight Alumni Center. The winning snowman was Snow Toro, a giant Aggie blue bunny made by the USU Utaku, a club designed to explore Japanese pop culture and its activities. 

Activities chairman of the Student Alumni Association executive board Britnee Bromley coordinated the event, which included more than 23 different clubs and organizations from around campus. 

Bromley said the participants come from lots of walks of life to enjoy the winter weather.

“It’s cold outside and it’s going to be for awhile, so let’s embrace it and have some fun,” Bromley said. “That’s why we decided to start the Winter Wonderland Snowman Gallery Walk, that, and to get the different clubs and organizations together to socialize. We all have something to give.”

Many different clubs and organizations decided to brave the cold and build snowmen. 

“The snowmen were created to reflect the goals, values and interests of the different groups,” Bromley said. 

The snowmen lived up to the hopes of the creators of the Walk. 

“We sent letters to every club and organization on campus, inviting them to join in the event,” said Doug Fiefia, a member of the Student Alumni Association. “We got a great response. I’m really happy with the turnout. We’ve got the Greeks, the A-Team, LDSSA and many other clubs. Hopefully next year we can get even more.” 

Ryan Taylor, a member of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity, said he and his group spent an hour and a half making their snowman, Otis.

Otis was a snowman doing a headstand while reading the Bible, was one of the many snowmen found on the path outside the Alumni Center. Others included a menacing Mr. T replete with sideburns, a giant Aggie blue bunny snowman and a snowman and snowwoman couple leaning in for a kiss. 

Most of the snowmen could be identified with the groups who created them by the poses they were in or the accessories ordaining them. Regardless, signs were placed in front of each one with the name of the club and a brief description of their handy work.

Students and members of the community wandered around a path lit with strands of white light outside of the Alumni Center, viewing the results of the different groups. 

Those who had already voted for their favorite snowmen sat around tables sipping hot chocolate, eating doughnuts and socializing. A large table was set up with a list of the different snowman, where the winner was decided. The grand prize, a Winter Wonderland prize package, and a Snowman Champions Trophy were on the table next to the ballots. Also included in the grand prize was a movie night at the Alumni Center.

At 7:30 p.m., the votes were counted and Snow Toro was named the winner.


– andypierucci@gmail.com