Soapbox: Razor scooters ought to be with children on the playground


To whom it may concern:

For the love of God, please stop riding your Razor scooters on campus. We are not 12, and we are not going to the playground. You can walk. It’s not that you guys are in the way, although it is annoying when you guys try to ride in large crowds. It’s just that it’s a Razor scooter and you need to get out of your elementary school days.

I have no problem with longboards, bikes or any other form of transportation on campus, those are all practical and mature. But if you are in your 20s hunched over on a toy made for those 14 and under, rest assured that people are annoyed.

Really, how much time is it saving? Going between average classes, probably none because of the rest of the foot traffic. If you are trekking from one side of campus to the other on a Razor scooter then you are doing it maybe two minutes faster than I am walking. Not worth the annoyance.

To put it in perspective it’s like bumpers in bowling or stick figures in art — best left to the toddlers.

I guess it’s just a principle thing, an unspoken rule that I didn’t think anyone needed to state. However this has been present every year that I have been at Utah State. I keep waiting for Razor scooters to stay in parents’ garages when people come to college, but they somehow find their way on to campus.

I wouldn’t leave those of you who ride scooters without options though; I’m not cruel. So here are some options: get a bike from the D.I. for like $15 or just walk. It’s not that hard to walk. Especially on campus, where in the middle of the day it is easier to walk then to ride a bike.

I know that some of you are thinking this is just a rant about scooters, and you are right. But I really don’t like those Razor scooters and I guarantee you most of the other students aren’t fans of them either.

— Jeffrey Dahdah is a junior majoring in journalism. He loves sports and current events and aspires to report Overseas when he leaves Utah State.

There are 5 comments

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  1. Kaczor

    Dear Jeff, you’ve presented here your feelings & prejudices only. If you had any salient argument, it still needs to be shown…

  2. DontBeStupid

    Jeffrey, you do realize that you’re that annoying guy in class that says “You’re SOOO immature!” when everybody else is having fun, don’t you? What do you care if somebody pogo’s or hula-hoops to class? Talk about close-minded and rigid. Maybe you’re just too insecure to let go and secretly wish you could still feel the wind in your hair riding on a sweet Razor scooter. Ride your way, man, I’ll ride mine. It’s all good.

  3. Kevin

    Interesting. So longboards and bikes or “any other form of transportation” are all okay, but scooters aren’t? Sounds like Mr. Dahdah could do as the university advocates and open his mind a little, before it’s too late.

  4. Christopher Campbell

    Jeff, you know I love ya man, but I completely disagree with you on this. I’m one of those guys who rides the razor scooter. I don’t really give a crap how I look on it either. It is a good means of transportation. I personally hate riding bikes, and I don’t want to take up long boarding so those options are out for me. Who designated those as the only means of transportation that adults can have anyway? As for whether or not it saves time, yes it saves quite a bit of time for me, especially if I am going back and forth between buildings. It makes life bearable, and it is very portable.

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