sold usu

‘SOLD’: USU students protest $25 million donation from Charles Koch Foundation

“We have a Koch problem,” was one message projected onto Utah State University’s Jon M. Huntsman School of Business Monday night in response to the school’s acceptance of a $25 million donation from the Charles Koch Foundation.

An independent group of USU students organized a demonstration to protest the school’s acceptance of the donation. The students projected anti-Koch images onto Jon M. Huntsman Hall. Along with, “We have a Koch problem,” another graphic declared the Huntsman school “SOLD,” with a sale price of $25 million.

A press release anonymously distributed Thursday said the donation “poses a serious concern for the reputation and academic integrity of Utah State University.”

The donation was part of a joint $50 million contribution from both the Koch foundation and The Huntsman Foundation. While the $25 million from The Huntsman Foundation will largely go toward expanding the Huntsman Scholar program, the Koch portion will help establish a new research entity, the Center for Growth and Opportunity. It will also allow the school to hire six additional professors to be employed at the Huntsman school and conduct research at the Center.

The $25 million from the Koch foundation will be distributed at a rate of $2.5 million per year for 10 years. The Koch foundation maintains the right to terminate the funding at any time, according to a donation agreement dated May 6. It’s this stipulation that student critics said is the biggest indicator the donation comes with “multiple strings attached.”

“As long as USU wants to take this money,” the press release states, “the Charles Koch Foundation will have influence over more teachers, more research and inadvertently, the culture of USU’s business college.”

The release’s distributors cited another element of the affiliation agreement as indicating that the Koch donation comes with “strings attached.” The agreement requires USU to inform the Koch Foundation of “any testimony to a legislative or other government body [the recipients] intend to make, whether in connection with [recipient’s] academic research or otherwise.”

Students who criticized the donation argued that, though the Koch foundation is technically barred by Internal Revenue Service regulations from attempting to influence legislation, it seemed the inclusion of the above stipulation in the affiliation agreement was not “void of political intentions.”

Other Koch-funded research institutions, including USU’s own Institute of Political Economy, have been accused of conducting research with ideological biases that favor the Koch foundation’s libertarian economic agenda.

According to the press release, USU professor Randy Simmons faced harsh criticism for his contributions to Koch-funded research that attempted to convince North Carolina voters to “abandon” that state’s renewable energy efforts, according to the press release.

Critics accused Simmons, researcher Ryan Yonk and his colleagues at Logan-based Strata Policy, a Koch-funded libertarian think tank, of using flawed statistical calculations “to blame the Great Recession on renewable energy.”

“I believe this has serious implications as well for students and faculty who are trying to secure funding or the support necessary in order to conduct legitimate science,” said Forrest Schoessow, a graduate student and researcher at USU. “We don’t want to be on the wrong side of history here, and we don’t want to destroy opportunities before they are ever created due to damaging publicity that criticizes USU’s transparency, institutional integrity and research credibility.”

The university maintains it will continue to uphold “rigorous” standards for research and academic oversight “that we’ve always had for our research,” said Tim Vitale, USU’s executive director of public relations and marketing.

Vitale acknowledged that the university was aware research produced by other Koch-funded institutions was criticized for promoting an ideological agenda but said, “that is not the case here. We made sure that those mechanisms and oversight controls are clear and in place.”

“The rules from the start were transparency, transparency, transparency,” Vitale said.

USU student Anders Hart, who publicly opposed the most recent donation as well as a $1.54 million donation in 2015, said he thinks the expected outcomes of Koch-funded research will likely manifest for USU’s new research center the same way they have at other Koch-backed institutions.

“We know from the Koch people themselves that the purpose of their donations is to influence politics and advance a libertarian agenda,” Hart said. “I don’t want billionaires using my university for their political purposes while claiming to be charitable.”

In accepting the donation, USU surpassed Florida State University and Texas Tech University to become one of the top Koch-funded universities in the country — second only to George Mason University.


Photo by Katherine Taylor

There are 7 comments

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  1. Adam Christiansen

    Very important issue. Thank you for reporting on this. Ahhh… land-grant institutions aren’t what they used to be. If the state funded us better than we wouldn’t need to accept dirty money with strings attached!! I love that the USU mouthpiece Vitale doesn’t mention that in previous contracts the Koch Foundation had 100% control over who was hired!! They don’t need that stipulation any longer because the folks doing the hiring at USU were already bought and installed by the Koch foundation over the last decade!!!

  2. Elizabeth Emery

    When I was a Huntsman Scholar, they were still teaching that trickle-down economics is cold, hard fact – and I attended AFTER the Great Recesssion. Anyone who thinks this won’t have an influence on the already extremely conservative USU is living in la la land. There’s a reason the Kochs donated here and not at UC Berkeley.

    So here we have 25 million dollars more going down the Kochdrain of anti-progressive policy-making that could (and should) have been spent on cancer research, scholarship funding, or other worthy humanist endeavors. USU should be ashamed of itself for accepting this donation while oversized classes and underfunded adjunct teachers are so prominent on its campus.

    • Phil Henderson

      Nobody who believes in what you erroneously call “trickle-down economics” actually calls it that, because they’re aware that that’s not how it works. The fact that you call USU “extremely conservative” speaks volumes about you.

      Also, I’m confused…how is hiring new professors not going to help USU’s supposed problem of oversized classes?

  3. Houston Hyde

    This entire article is propped up on second-hand information and criticism – the majority of it coming from a “press release anonymously distributed” (To whom? From where? Is it credible?). When I read “[c]ritics accused Simmons…” of such and such, am I just supposed to believe that? There could be a real story here, but this article is full of so many unsubstantiated claims, that there is hardly any substance. Do your own research on things and present me with facts (e.g. what Prof Simmons did that was so egregious, what the agreement actually says, what evidence exists showing that the Koch Foundation [which is not capitalized in paragraph three] has influenced schools’ decision-making, etc.), not a bunch of public perception. This paper seems very concerned about the biases of the Koch Foundation. It would do well to make sure that it’s blatant leaning on one-sided opinions for articles doesn’t result in the creation of its own.

    • Alyssa Roberts

      Hi, Houston. Thanks for your comment. The press release was emailed to me by a group of students who are asking to remain anonymous due to concerns that their opposition to the Koch donation could affect their ability to obtain research funding in the future. I personally verified all the information quoted from the press release through multiple additional sources which I found to be credible. I would be happy to elaborate further on those sources if you would like. Just shoot me an email. – Alyssa

  4. Brian Smith

    Here’s one USU business alum who is grateful for the donation and proud of the University for taking it. A University should be a place where a plurality of ideas exist and thrive. Too many colleges and universities are marching in lockstep to the Progressive drum and try to stifle any descent. I hope USU never gives in to the demands of a vocal few who wish to silence opposing ideas in the name of progressive ideologies.

  5. Frank Felice

    So, USU students are upset that the Koch Foundation (with Charles Koch being a staunch capitalist, and Libertarian), donated to the USU School of Business but they are ok with the LDS Foundation donating over $500K? Check your premises students.

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