
Something to learn from USU student production “Something To Lose”

Aaron Nash, a USU senior, can’t hold back his excitement when talking about his production “Something to Lose”.  

 “I just wanted to see if I could do it, just something to pass the time while I was doing math education,” Nash said.  

 The idea formed about three years ago after Nash watched the musical “The Last Five Years,” a love story that stood out to him for being told in a unique way. He wanted to create something that was both interesting and innovative. 

 Nash started by creating characters, scenes, arcs and climaxes for the show.  

 “At that point, I wasn’t even serious about it,” Nash said. “Really. I never expected it to actually be put on a stage. I started writing some music for it just for fun.” 

 Nash has been involved in music and he plays multiple instruments. After the music writing process in his production started, he became more serious about composing.  

 Nash met with faculty members and found his way to piano department head Dr. Kevin Olson. Dr. Olson began teaching Nash through the Individual Composition course.  

 “A work of this scope is unusual for undergraduates, and I think this is why Aaron has received enthusiastic support from the theater program, student musicians in the department, and faculty music directors,” Dr. Olson said via email. 

 Nash spent a semester writing the music needed for the play with Dr. Olson. Nash credits Dr. Olson with getting the originally hypothetical play on an actual stage.  

 Nash also did an independent study with Dallas Aksoy, director of opera at USU, to write the dialogue.  

 Rehearsals began in September. Nash had one month to do blocking and staging, orchestrate the music and advertise. 

 The production changed from a love story to a narrative focused on a singular individual and how romance plays into one’s life holistically. 

 “I’d say half this show is autobiographical, but I’ve changed it to where I’m not in any of the characters,” said Nash. “They truly are their own people. They have a set of experiences and actions that I would never do, but it’s rooted in events that have happened to me.” 

 This show includes characters who identify with the LGBTQ and deaf communities. Nash noted that being part of these communities isn’t all there is to his characters, and he is proud to show the audience there is more to their identities.  

 Nash developed his characters over the course of three years, adapting their storylines with his own experiences. 

 One of the main themes explored in the production is loss. 

 “It seems like any good thing that comes into our life will inevitably be lost,” Nash said. 

 He described universal losses like breakups, lost friendships and death. To Nash, these losses can inhibit the want to do anything. This inspired the title, “Something to Lose.”  

 “But the very fact that we can lose something gives meaning to life,” Nash said. “I just want people to find motivation to go after that one thing that will make their life better, and help transcend that fear that they’ll lose it.” 

 Nash changed his major to integrated studies to help him get into a program at NYU for fall 2023.  

 “Aaron’s writing is professional-level, and audience members will get a chance for a sneak peek at a composer who I’m confident will be making a splash in the professional music theater scene,” Olson said. “It’s definitely something you won’t want to miss.”   

 The musical will be shown Oct. 7 and 8 at 7:30 p.m. at the Lyric Theater. Tickets are free at the box office with a USU student ID.