
Spring Fever: tips and tricks for the warm weather dating season.

The snow has melted, the end of the semester is approaching and many Utah State University students are thrilled to see the beginning of spring in Logan, Utah.

“It’s an exciting time because you get people that are excited and happy and they bring out all the bright colors,” said Jonathan Tousley, a senior studying computer engineering.

Along with the bright colors and excited college students, the warmer weather brings with it more romantic tendencies and dating opportunities.  

“Spring fever is real,” said Lauran Jacklin, a junior studying nutritional science.

Like Jacklin, many students agree that love and the warm weather go together.

Alyssa Redford, a freshman studying to become a business major, said the warm sunshine outside acts as a catalyst for increased socialization among college students which can lead to dating and the formation of romantic relationships.

Another reason dating picks up speed in the spring, is that it “leaves room for noncommittal, fun relationships” before the end of the semester, Redford said.

“A lot of people go home for the summer and they don’t live in the same state as the person they are dating so it’s like, well that was fun…Bye,” she said.

Whether students are looking for a long-term relationship or a spring fling, there are many fun dating opportunities to enjoy.

For those who like the outdoors, Jacklin suggested hiking on the trails up the canyon on a date.

Redford suggested finding an activity like kayaking where people could “deal with water but not actually get in the water,” since the lakes and rivers in the springtime are still “freezing.”

Maggie Mathews, a freshman studying social studies said a fun dating activity would be to go biking together or rent a tandem-bike.

Hammocking in another popular outdoors dating activity, Jacklin said.

“You can really go anywhere up the canyon and just pull off at any of the pullouts,” she said. “You don’t walk very far, just up to the trees and find two trees that are close enough to hook your hammock up. It’s super fun.”

For those who are not outdoor enthusiasts or who want to tag something fun on to the end of a date, Tousley suggested grabbing some ice cream “because it’s finally warm enough to eat it.”

Throwing around a frisbee or studying outside on the quad is another fun activity that shows a date does not have to be extravagant or complicated in order to be fun, Tousley said.

The spring dating scene isn’t just reserved for single people, said Brian Christensen, an environmental studies major. Christensen is married and still enjoys the benefits of spring time dating with his wife.

“We try do something at least once a week, even if it’s small like watching a movie or going on a hike or going fishing,” Christensen said. “If there’s ever a good play on we always like going to a play and we like going out for ice cream.”

Whether it’s an outdoor activity or indoor event, spring is filled with opportunities to spend time with that significant other before the semester ends.

In the springtime, “life is better,” Redford said.


