STAB film extends students’ vacation

Bonnie McDonald

As summer slips away from students’ grasp, many may wish for an extension of their vacation as soon as they arrive on campus. Although their budget may not be able to afford a trip for everyone, the Student Activity Board (STAB) can help.

STAB is showing The Mexican on Wednesday at 9 p.m. on the HPER field to kick off activities during the Week of Welcome on campus. The film is free.

According to, The Mexican, starring Julia Roberts and Brad Pitt, centers on mob footman Jerry Welbach (Pitt) who tries to please both his mob boss by retrieving an antique, priceless gun from Mexico and his girlfriend Samantha (Roberts) who threatens to leave him if he participates in mob activity any longer.

Adventures ensue as Welbach encounters hitmen, discovers a curse that accompanies the gun and attempts to save his girlfriend who has been kidnapped to ensure the gun’s safe return.

The film is categorized as action/adventure, comedy and romance, and was rated R for violence and language, according to the same site.

The version shown by STAB is airline edited to make content appropriate for all audiences.

Utah State University is required to be a “dry campus”, which prohibits the use of drugs and alcohol, Andy Dilley, ASUSU activities vice-president said. To obey this restriction and involve as many students as possible is one of the goals ASUSU has, he said.

“We want to provide students with wholesome, lower-end (cost) activities like movies, nooners (brief activities at noon) and musical activities,” Dilley said.

The ASUSU STAB board also organizes events such as the Halloween Howl and Mardi Gras on campus. To get involved with these and other events, contact Dilley at or call 797-1721.

See the Backburner page for a complete listing of Week of Welcome events.