
Dear Jim Steitz, I respect your opinion about our forests and trees and mother earth. You are entitled to it, but don’t call what you and your friends did a campaign to educate people about Staples. When you pickit in front of a store and impede their customers and try to get people to not shop there (which is what you were doing) you are practicing nothing short of extortion. Gangsters used to call it protection by forcing store owners to pay them (or do what they wanted them to do) or they would close down their shop. Sure, on a grand scale a small group of you could never close Staples, but the logic remains the same. It only reinforces my desire to keep seperated from groups like yours. You and all those like you are thugs. Staples is a business and has the obligation to run it in a legal manner not in any kind of ethical manner you or any of you groups decide is correct. I hardly think Staples is going to eradicate our forests. Besides, it isn’t their fault that they sell the paper they do. Don’t forget the basics of business, if the consumer buys it, sell it. Blame the people that shop there.