State Your Case: NBA

MEREDITH KINNEY, sports senior writer


The NBA lockout is over, and I couldn’t ask for a better Christmas present than professional basketball to watch. College is great, don’t get me wrong, but what are college players playing for if not to reach the NBA after graduation?

The NBA is the ultimate goal. A lockout would do more than just force players into unemployment. It takes motivation away from the game. Every college player has the dream of playing in the NBA, without that dream what are they playing for? They love the game and want to keep playing it. That’s why they are working toward professional ball.

In the NBA the best teams have the best record. There’s no handouts to the most popular teams — the best teams win the finals. Oftentimes, the NCAA features the big basketball schools and not necessarily the ones that deserve to be there. The NBA is much more fair than college ball.