Statesmans content

The headline for monday should have read “Vote Republican, we do!” I don’t have a problem with the front page article, it was well written, the problem was the over all content of the paper. Three pictures of our fearless leaders right hand man made the paper. Now I know his pit stop here is a big deal, even though he probably spent more time in the restroom and buying jerky at the 7-eleven, atleast he stopped. But being the day before elections isn’t a partisan approach to the content of the paper more appropriate. It is already a sin to be liberal in Utah so we need to keep our higher education institutions fair and free minded. I have to wonder why anybody would vote republican in Utah anyway. If the Bush administration got its wish we would be nothing but oil drills and nuclear waste dumps. Don’t think so. Bush would have all possible sites in U.S., including Utah, explored for oil and natural gas and his power plan for the U.S. includes 1300 new nuclear power plants. Nevada has the money to fight against the dumping of nuclear waste from the casinos. Utah on the other hand spends its money on the welfare theft of poligamist families we don’t want to talk about. So where will it waste go? Right in our back yards. Next election try to be more balanced.

Jacob Blasi